::how you choose to express yourself::its all your own and i can tell it comes naturally::

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


tuit tuit..haha..rase malu lak nk menulis balik kat blog after da lame giler aku tgal kn bende ni tanpe memikirkan nye lg..siyes!..aku siap fikir "aku xnk dah tulis blog"..hahak...plasyik x??.plastik x??...

ok skunk nak tulis bende mrepek...what im feel??..aku rase something deep inside me..mcm sesuatu bende xkene..saksikn dialog antare mereke~~

nina:ko kenape hati??
hati:entah r..somting wrong somewhere
nina:ko ni nyusahkn aku tau x...
hati:ala..mane nk tau jadik cmni...ko xyah r fikir sgt..
nina:cite sikit kat aku boleyh???
hati:aku rase mcm ape yg ko dpt skunk ni xbtol..ko xrase ke ko di permain kn..then ko xnmpak ea something gud thing(person kot) kat depan ko??..
hati:ok..ko bodoh~

so xde conclusion between us..so tibe2 otak aku plak menyampuk dan mengatakan 'tiada persefahaman antara nina dan hati'.........blurrrr~~~